Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Return of the Blog

Hello again, followers. Summer is over and Pure Water Access Project has been hard at work pursuing opportunities to conduct our first field studies. We are thrilled to announce that we will be traveling to Nicaragua in spring of 2012 to carry out a study of the Tulip Water Filter! To read more about the Tulip Water Filter, please visit our website. In addition to the Nicaragua project, we have been working to help create student organizations at high schools in Cleveland and Columbus that are focused on the water crisis. These organizations are a great way for high school students to learn about not only the water crisis, but also the functioning of non-profit organizations, public health, and research before they even begin their college careers. These are only a few of the projects that we are working on right now, and there is a lot of effort being put in by everyone here at PWAP. Needless to say, we are really excited about the direction that PWAP is going.

But we are only getting started, and we need your help to fight the water crisis. Donations are very much appreciated, tax deductible, and utilized in this manner. Please consider being a part of something bigger and making a donation before you are done visiting the website, every dollar makes a difference.